Gender Policy



To enable Sokoine University of Agriculture to  develop into a gender balanced community with equal opportunity to all people based on their ability and merit, so that the University utilizes its human resources optimally and in harmony.

The formulation of the SUA Gender Policy for Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) was initiated by the Women Development Support Project (WDSP) under the SUA-NORAD Frame Agreement.

The initiative aimed at institutionalizing efforts to address gender issues that were evident at SUA and the country at large. Consequently, the Women Development Support Committee (WDSC), which was responsible for coordinating implementation of the WDSP, organized a Gender Policy Formulation Workshop in May 1999.

The workshop drew participants from all relevant sections of the University, including academic and administrative staff as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. The workshop report was subsequently developed into a Gender Policy in 2002 after approval by relevant SUA organs.

The policy was officially inaugurated in 2003 by the then Minister of Community Development, Women and Children, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro

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